
Faux Shadowbox Scrapbooking Tutorial and Kit Winner!

The winner (determined by of the Faux Shadowbox Scrapbooking Kit is:


Congratulations! Kim, send your mailing address to waywardgirlscrafts at gmail dot com so I can send you your prize!

There's still time to win the last two of our launch week giveaways:

Remember, each entry should be in a separate comment. So if you're following us (thank you!), you still need to leave a comment on the entry so we can enter you in the drawing!

This is a two page layout (LO) for it you will need:
  • 2 pages of the same patterned paper (PP) and 1 in a contrasting color
  • 1 accent color of card stock
  • Exacto knife
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Embellishments ( I used 6 eyelets, stickers, and words I cut out)
  • 6 foam squares
  • Pictures (duh!)
 Step 1: Trace around the pictures on one of the sheets of PP that are going to be the background for your two pages. With the ruler and pencil draw a line on the inside of each edge you will be cutting on to the pictures can be mounted from the back of the pages. Cut out the sections.

Step 2: Cut the contrasting PP a quarter or half inch larger on all sides than the picture ( 4.5-5 X 6.5-7 inches). Use the cut out from the background paper to trace on the contrasting PP. Cut on the lines.
Step 3: Mount the contrasting PP on the background around the holes. I put eyelets on the edges of the frames at this point. Turn the background paper over and put foam squares around the edges of the picture and place the pictures carefully on the holes.
Step 4: Add embellishments!

Here's my finished product:
Here's a few things I learned while doing this:
*If you stack the background PP and the contrasting PP you only have to cut once.
*Make sure the edge that the picture will be sitting on is wide enough for your foam squares or you will see them from the front.

Have a great Wednesday!