
Mom said so....

These wayward girls of mine have created this blog and now want me to join in the fun. I thought that somehow a post would magically appear, but apparently not. After I got a rather pointed text from the eldest daughter, I realized I had to do something. So.... to introduce myself, I am the lucky mom of four beautiful and talented daughters. I work as an academic coach in a middle school. My crafting goes in spurts. Lately I have spent my time creating a quiet book for my wonderful grandchildren and sewing a quilt for my grandchild due in a few months. I will be sharing both of those in coming posts. I am never quite satisfied with what I create, but I still keep trying! I will probably be the first one to point out what is wrong with whatever I do! (Maybe I should stop that!)

Anyway, in the giveaway spirit of our debut week, I have a lovely group of ten five-inch charm squares of vintage fabrics. My great grandmother was a seamstress in the early 30's and 40's. When my grandmother passed away 10 years ago, we found a bag of my great grandma's scraps way in the back of a closet. I don't know the exact age of the fabrics or fabric contents, but they each have a beauty of their own.

So make a comment on the blog or do any of that Tweeting or Facebook Liking or whatever it is that the girls have listed below if you want to win these charm squares. Since I don't Tweet or Facebook I really don't have a clue what those mean. 

You get:
  • One entry for commenting on this blog post.
  • One entry for becoming a follower of our blog, and commenting on this blog post to tell me about it.
  • One entry for following us on Twitter, and commenting on this blog post to tell me about it. (even if you started following us yesterday, you can comment today for an entry)
  • One entry for Liking us on Facebook, and commenting on this blog post to tell me about it. (Even if you liked us yesterday, you can comment today for an entry)
  • One entry for blogging about our new blog, and commenting on this blog post to tell me about it (with a link to your post!).
  • One entry for asking us a question about ourselves, new blog, crazy dreams, whatever.
Just so we're clear: each of these should be in their own comments! So if you like us on FB, comment, Follow us on Twitter, you should make 3 separate comments.

The winner will be announced one week from today, and welcome to Wayward Crafts!


  1. Oh, my goodness! This fabric looks awesome! Looks like a very interesting blog!

  2. I love these fabrics- how fun.

  3. i just got really excited about these fabrics. they are awesome, and even more awesome that they are REAL vintagy!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i blogged about you...

  6. i liked on facebook

  7. i follow your blog - its on my blog roll :)

  8. where do all of you guys live in relation to each other? i am so excited that you (mom) are getting involved with your girls. i would love to do something like this with my mom and SILs. but i know it takes SO much work. yay for you guys. loving it so far.

  9. Beautiful fabrics.

    I'm with you--What is a tweet?? In my way of thinking it has something to do with a little yellow bird.

    Good luck with the blog

  10. I'm glad I found this blog! You girls already have so many ideas up. I love the blog title!

  11. I'm following you! Although I don't think I have a project idea worthy for them yet... hopefully I can think of one!

  12. I also like you on Facebook (and for real)!

  13. Just entering one more time for blogging about you on my blog!

  14. Ooo! I love vintage fabrics and I agree about the tweeting. I'm not really into it ;)
