
Hair Bows-A huge hair bow tutorial round up

Brooke prepared this post last week, and it's a good thing: she had her baby Monday night! Congratulations!

I have made a ton of hair bows for the baby girl as her due date approached (and went). They are all itty bitty for now. I used a bunch of tutorials I have collected online. So what I'm going to do is give you the link and some tips that I learned while doing each one.
The full picture

 A close up.
 Basic supplies for all of the bows:

  • Clippies
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon, felt, and or artificial flowers
  • Rhinestones and or seed beads-we're from the south where a girl can never have on enough sparkle :)
  • A lighter or no fray adhesive
  • Needle and thread
  • Glue gun 
Tips for all: 
  • You can either glue the bow to a clip or you can create a loop in the back to make it interchangeable. 
  • Clips can go in the hair or on a head band. Clips should be covered with ribbon so they don't poke the baby's head.
  • The majority of these bows are easiest with stiff ribbon, specifically grosgrain ribbon. I have so many other beautiful ribbons so I usually try it out with regular ribbons as well. 
  • Many of these tutorials say to use hair clips to help hold the pieces during assembly. It may make it easier but usually you can get by without it. 
  • Some of these things are very tiny-be prepared to get burned by your glue gun. Most of the ribbon ends need to be sealed so they don't fray. You can do this with a lighter or with no fray spray/adhesive 

Bow #1- Flower hair bows. I'm going to just give the quick explanation for how to do this because it is super easy.
Flower Hair Bows
All flower hair bows are made the same. They are really simple. First start with artificial flowers and remove the flower head from the stem. Next take all the layers of the flower apart. Re-stack the flowers in the same order gluing between each layer. Once you get to the smallest layer glue some sparkle in the middle. Finish with loop or clip.

Bow Tie Hair Bows

Bow#2 Bow Tie hair bows ( tutorial)
Extra tips: This is one that is easiest with stiff ribbons. After you fold it I would secure it with a few stitches before wrapping the middle section with ribbon. 

Bow# 3 Round petal flower ( tutorial)
Extra tips: Sealing the ends is essential in this tutorial. Make sure that the knot at the end of your thread that you use for gathering is big enough to not poke through-I had a mishap. Again this is one that will work best with stiff ribbon. For how simple this was to make I think it is adorable!
Round Petal Flower
Bow #4 Itty bitty bows (tutorial)
Extra tips: Make sure you use strong cardboard so it doesn't bend when you gather the ribbon. 
Itty Bitty Bows
Bow #5 Pinwheel bows (I combined this tutorial with this tutorial)
Pinwheel Bows
Extra tips: I didn't have the hair clips to use so I used what I had on hand: chip clips. I made a cardboard template and held the edges with the chip clips. I preferred to sew and gather the ribbon. This bow works best with stiffer ribbons but it's not impossible to do with other (see picture).

Bow #6 Rossettes (tutorial)
This is so simple and cute I could make them all day!!

Bow #7 Pom Pom Flower hair bow (tutorial)
Extra tips: I did mine with felt and it turned out okay. I think it would be best with a lighter fabric that doesn't fray. 
Pom Pom Flower hair bow

Tiny Felt flowers hair bow
Bow #8 Tiny Felt Flowers hair bows (tutorial)
Extra tips: Make sure you cut off enough to make sure there are no gaps between the petals when they are glued on the base. This was a bit of a trial and error for me. In the tutorial she doesn't mention how many petals she uses. I used 4 only top and 7 on the bottom. I used pearl finished seed beads for the sparkle on mine. I used tulle to mimic leaves.

No Hair hair bows
Bow #9 No Hair hair bows
There isn't a tutorial for this one and it's really self explanatory. I just got a lot of different colored ribbons and tied tiny bows. You can use corn syrup, white glue, or a whole number of different gentle adhesives to glue them straight to the baby's head. Use about half the size of a pea. 

Bow #10 Gathered Ribbon Flower hair bows
Extra tips: This would have turned out 100xs better had I used wired ribbons. Instead of pulling on one of the wires I gathered it using a thread and needle. I still like it for me but it is way too big for baby.
Bow Holder: I got a open back frame on clearance and painted it white. I glued the ribbon to the back and voila! I have mine propped up with a picture frame holder.

So which bow is your favorite? Are you excited to try any? Do you have any good tutorials that you have used? Let us know!

I am going on a bit of a blogging maternity leave. See you all in a few weeks!


  1. Cute! Which one did you take with you for the baby to wear home from the hospital?

  2. Super cute hairbows! I love a good hair accessory!

  3. Very cute! I think I'm going to have to save this post for future reference. Thanks!

  4. AH these are darling!!!
    i love them ALL

  5. Congrats to Brooke :)

    I love all those cute flowers and bows, so cute.

  6. I'm so happy for Brooke!!! That little princess is going to look darling in all those fabulous accessories!

  7. Super cute! No. 10 is my favorite!

  8. I have some tutorials posted on my blog

    Also, Stacy of I like Big Bows posts tutorials just about everyday. You may find some new ones over there.

  9. Cute! I will try to make some of these for my baby girl. Thanks for sharing!

  10. wow, so much fun and thanx for all the tutorials, and for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!

  11. So many cute hairbows. I will have to make some for my little girl. Just have to find the right type of clip since the ones normally used just slip right out of her hair.
    Thanks for gathering so many tutorials in one place and congratulations with the little baby girl.

  12. Very cute! We love hair bows around here!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  13. This is a very comprehensive collection of hair bows. Thanks for taking the time to share them all!

  14. Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing this post!!!! I have been searching for tutorials to make a variety of bows for my baby girl (4th of July, 1st birthday, all those fun events). This is PERFECT! I also love the bow holder and might have to give that a try, as well.

    I'd love for you to link this up with So Sweet Sundays! :)

  15. Love these bows Brooke! Thanks for linking up to Paper Catnip & Cupcakes! We have a family photo shoot coming up and I'm definitely going to be making a bunch of bows for my daughter :)

    Thanks again for playing along!

    PS... you are my feature this week :D
