
Craft books from long ago

I came across some old friends while cleaning the other day. Craft books! It is interesting to see what was 'in' 20 years ago... and what we were making here at the Wayward house.
 This was one of my favorites. It still had some bookmarks in it. It is created by a mom and her daughters. They had a TV show and are the creators of Aleene's glue products.
This was one craft that I loved from Aleene. It looks like burnished metal but was really just brown paper bags, glue, and gold paint. I made lots of the angels on the right.

They were NOT wayward.

I found several craft books for kids. This one had Jaime's name it and was purchased at the grade school book fair in 1993.

We made lots of little tiny dolls using this angel pin pattern. I even found a couple of them in my tin of floss. They are probably 15 years old. We liked making these a lot.


Jaime made this wreath for her teachers one year.

We liked a few crafts in this book but nothing stood out specifically.

Last I found this one and one of the things we made from it.

But all in all, I would say that we didn't really make a lot of the crafts in the books. I like to look at them, but don't actually make lots of crafts from them. Why????
Now crafters or craft-lookers probably use the internet in place of books more.
What about you? Do you buy craft books? Can you trace your crafting history in your books?
Are you a looker or a doer?


  1. I liked to look at those craft books a lot. I thought Aleene knew it ALL! I remember making those angels and one caught on fire. Somehow I thought to put it out (Hey I was about 10 at the time!).

    I LOVED that wreath we made, I thought it was sooo cute!

    Crafts for kids we looked at a lot, but I think it got water on it and the pages stuck together.

    You have a good memory for remember what we did!

  2. I normally buy books/magazines for cards and art journal ideas/techniques but look on the internet (YouTube especially) for specific craft ideas for myself or the kids.

  3. Oh I loved to watch Aleen's tv show :)

    I love to have a book in my hand. But now it seems to be more magazines.

  4. Love this!! My MIL just gave us a bag of old cookbooks..why , I don't know... but it was pretty cool to look through them!

  5. Oh my goodness, I love your blog! The pictures of all of you in your header CRACKED ME UP! SO glad I found you through Six Sisters Stuff link party.

  6. Brings back memories...I love to browse thru these when I see them in thrift shops!

  7. I used to have that Craft Quickies book! I wonder what ever happened to Aleen and her girls?

  8. I was recently given a BIG pile of old craft books and magazines from a lady at the local markets. They are fascinating to look through - and I do want to try some of the things one day - but I agree - everything's on the internet these days! Almost overload of ideas and information!!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  9. Sher, I got curious about Aileen and her girls a few months ago too, as I remember watching their crafting cable TV show ages ago. I found the girls, both Heidi Borchers (she goes by EcoHeidi now) and Tiffany Windsor. They're doing online crafting videos. I don't know if this is their "home" on the web, but I found their videos at And when I looked it up, Aileen was alive and kicking, though retired now.. but I bet she's still gluing stuff together every chance she gets!

  10. That is so awesome that you found those!!! I bet you were in crafting heaven! Won't you come stop by and share that on my "Sundae Shake Up" Link Party. I'm sure everyone there would love to see this!

    Jacque @ Jacque's Soda Parlor

  11. I just threw out all my craft/scrapbooking books. That is awesome that you have those. Now that I think about it I should have saved at least one to show my grand kids when I get older. Thanks for sharing and linking up with us :)
    p.s. I like to think I am a doer, but I have a ton of saved projects that I haven't done yet ;)

  12. wow thats way cool:) thanks for sharing

  13. I always buy up old crafting and decorating books---I usually don't make the crafts outlined in them but they often give me ideas for projects I could make if I just changed up this or that.

    Plus the pictures are hilarious.

  14. I have a few craft books floating around from back in the day, but you're right... I look to the internet for inspiration and directions now. Loved those Worry/Trouble Dolls! I still have a bunch :)


  15. What great memories you just brought back! I used to watch the Aleene's craft show faithfully and subscribed to her Big Book of Crafts! It was a huge notebook and then every month you would get about 20 new pages to put in it with different crafts. I even still have it and love it! I did a lot of the burnt bag crafting, I need to do some of that again. Thank you so much for making my day!

  16. Love the craft books! Thank you for linking up last week at Sew Woodsy. We hope you'll join us again this week!

  17. What a fun post! It's amazing what takes us back down memory lane! Thanks for linking up this great post at the Tuesday To Do Party last week! I'm trying to get caught up after finally getting my commenting issues resolved!
    Have a great week!
