
Saturday Sister Spotlight 2: Six Sisters' Stuff!

How's that for alliteration?

I love coming across other sister blogs as I roam the crafty-blogosphere. I just get this feeling if all of us crafting sister blogs could unite, we could use our powers for both good and awesome!

Okay, not exactly. I feel such a kinship with crafting sister blogs, though, that I want to do something special to reach out to them.

This month for our second Saturday Sister Spotlight, we're highlighting:

The six (yes, six kids, all girls) sisters are, from youngest to oldest: Camille, Kristen, Elyse, Stephanie, Lauren, and Kendra. Of course, I'm pretty sure these lovely ladies are not in that order in this picture:
Aaand I forgot to ask who's who, and I don't even want to guess, since I know what it's like to be mixed up with your sisters All. The. Time. (Hello, people at church who thought they were clever by calling us "Sister Lastname"--we know it's because you don't know our first names!!)

About the six sisters, adapted from their about page:
Camille is the oldest. A SAHM of two, she's busily trying to decorate the family's first home on a budget.

Kristen is also a mom of two, and baby, she was born to run. (This must be how she gets away with the decadent dessert recipes from the blog!)

Elyse is a mom of one who loves decorating, baking and exercising. (Again with the desserts!)

Stephanie knows how to shop and has an amazing wardrobe to show for it!

Lauren plays tennis and according to her sisters, she always looks cute.

Kendra is the stylish one in the family! She's an accomplished soccer player. (All right, fine. You can all eat desserts.)

The youngest three sisters are busily working away at their schooling (one in college, two in high school), leaving them little time to craft, but the older three do their best to make up for it on the blog! They have so many delicious/beautiful/cute looking crafts and recipes that I had a really hard time narrowing this down. Be sure to check out:

(Other really tempting contenders included the Nutella Stuffed Custard French Toast, Samoa Brownies, Pom Pom Flower Bib Necklace Tutorial and Mini Snickers Caramel Cheesecakes. See what I mean?!)

You can show off your crafts alongside these amazing ladies' with their weekly link party, Strut Your Stuff Saturdays, too!

And this spotlight wouldn't be complete without a . . .

A Saturday Sister Spotlight Challenge!

We challenged Six Sisters' Stuff to create crafts around a theme of our choosing, and with summer upon us, that theme is . . . BEACH!

And since I should've posted this, like, an hour ago, the sisters are already hard at work!

Anthropologie-ish "Beach" T-shirt Upcycle Necklace

UPDATE: All the beach crafts!

Upcycled Beach Flip Flops

Tropical Chocolate Coconut Brownies

Fabric Scrap Rope Bracelet

Stay tuned to Six Sisters' Stuff for today's Strut Your Stuff Saturday and more beach themed crafts (and I'll update the post as they post their answers to our challenge)!


  1. Yey!! Thank you for the feature!! We will be working hard on the rest of our beach crafts!! :)

  2. I'm a big fan of all the creativity over at Six Sisters, and am now a big fan of Wayward Girls Crafts too!


  3. What a pretty bunch of sisters.
    I will have to check out their blog....desserts you say :)

  4. You make me wish I had a sister! Also wanted to let you know that I featured your Harry Potter finger puppets on my blog @
    I am totally going to make these for my daugther Harry Potter birthday party .. stay tuned for pics and posts to come!

  5. That t-shirt necklace is AMAZING! I also am drooling over the cupcake. Yum!
