
Fall dessert: apple braid

When Jasmine was visiting over the Fourth of July, we made a patriotic apple pie using her recipe. Not all of our apple filling fit in the pie crust, so I stuck the extra 2 cups or so in the freezer. That very night, I repinned a fantastic way to use up my extra filling, and with apples in season, it makes a great late summer/early fall treat.
This delicious apple braid recipe comes from a guest post on Eat, Live, Run by Rachael of La Fuji Mama. It's basically bread wrapped around apple pie filling (which, of course, I just used my leftover apples for) in a beautiful braid pattern. To make the braid, you actually cut the sides of the bread in strips (I used a pizza cutter):

Then you put the apples down the middle and wrap the strips over them, alternating sides and pinching to secure. Roll and pinch the ends (mine came undone a bit anyway).

One tip as you do this: count the number of strips you cut on each side. I ended up with 1-2 more strips on one side, and had to "fuse" two strips together so I wouldn't end up with too many. You might even use a ruler to make them all straight and perfect and even. Then just bake and glaze!
What desserts are you looking forward to this fall? And don't you want a Pinterest invite?


  1. yum! I love using my pinterest ideas!

  2. Me too! I keep meaning to make a board for things I've actually made, to keep them separate. (And renaming the "Things I made" board to "Things I made, then pinned" and having the other board be "Things I pinned, then made.")

  3. I love braided pastries. They look so fancy, but they are so fast and easy.

  4. Oh this..thanks for the how-to..great!

  5. Oh my goodness this looks delish. Yummy.
    As for the pinterest invite I am still on the fence with this one, lol. I love to look through everyones albums, but I think I would be on here even more so getting my page perfect, lol.

  6. This looks absolutely fabulous! Am so going to try it this weekend!

  7. thanks for stopping by my blog, I love seeing new faces and new blogs to check out :) This looks very very delicious, I love all desserts apple related. It's so perfect for fall... thanks for sharing :)

    -rachel w k

  8. This looks so good and just perfect for a fall comfort food!

  9. Yummy! Thanks for linking up..have to try it!!


  10. Yummy and pretty! Thanks for linking up with DIY under $5!

  11. This looks delicious! We'd love for you to stop by and share this tomorrow at Seasonal Inspiration Saturday!

    Becca @ Crumbs and Chaos

  12. This looks so good! We have fresh apples at the Orchard up the street from us. I think I know what we'll have for dessert tomorrow! :)

  13. Yum!Looks so tasty! Gotta love Pinterest!

  14. I just wanted to let you know, I am featuring your yummy recipe tomorrow on Mouth-Watering-Monday! Be sure to come check it out and feel free to grab a "featured" button!

  15. What a great idea to use the extra apple pie filling!!

    Thanks for linking up to Show & Share!! ( All you Wayward Girls are so talented!)
    Can't wait for you to join us next week!
    Co Host Jennifer

  16. So glad you had fun with the apple braid!

  17. yum this looks delicious! I'm definetly going to have to make this for Thanksgiving!!

  18. Ummmm.... YUM?! Haha I'm so tempted to run upstairs and make this now! This weekend is Thanksgiving weekend for us here in Canada and I think this will be the perfect dessert! Thanks for posting and linking up to Show-Offs :)
