
Jaime's Land of Misfit Projects

I have always been an idea person. I'm great with coming up with ideas. They're not always GOOD ideas, but at least I have one. So here's my problem: I go to the thrift store with an idea (or I get an idea there) and then I purchase an item to alter. And then I don't. I lose the excitement of the idea and I move on to something else. So now, I give you, Jaime's Land of Misfit Projects:

One of the first items I bought to redo, this chair. It was $6.99 from Goodwill. I'm still looking for the perfect fabric to cover the cushion with. Will I ever find it?

I didn't get this from a thrift store, I got this free from work. We just got all new furniture in our offices and they were getting rid of our old stuff. I love that this table is a folding table and it fits in my car. I want to set it up for crafting, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Lazy, or what?

This beauty I won at a thrift store silent auction. I need to clean it up and find a place to display it. Yep, still hunting for the perfect table for it. I only have my attempts at "artsy" pictures of it on my computer and I'm not getting it out of storage right now. Did I mention I have no idea how to clean it?

On the right we have a vintage sheet I got at the thrift store. On the left, a big roll of fabric I got at Wal Mart for $3. Haven't made a thing with either one.

A pumpkin from a trip to Dollar Tree. No plans for it as I really hate the line across it. 

Finally a size XL stretchy t shirt from the thrift store. I thought about making it into a bag, a skirt and a bunch of other things, but nothing has come to fruition. Any ideas?

This is just a sample, by the way. I have more. This coming from the girl who told you to free yourself from your crafting stash!

Any ideas for my misfit projects?


  1. Chair- I would look in outdoor fabric and use a 50% off coupon since it can be pretty pricey.

    Table- I would paint it to bring some inspiration!

    Type writer- I would clean it with rubbing alcohol and a q-tip

    Pumpkin- You should spray paint it and tie a ribbon around it to hide the line.

    That is all my suggestions! Have fun!

  2. I love that chair! I totally love Brooke's suggestions too. I can't wait to see what you come up with because I love your projects!

  3. I've seen pumpkins covered with black lace stockings. They are really cool and that would hide the line you don't like.

  4. LOL, I am not laughing at you but I am in the crazy house right along side you.
    I have so many unfinished or unstarted projects it is scary.
    As for that typewriter....I was so close to buying one at the thrift store, but stopped myself.
    Still kicking myself over that one.

  5. Just stopping by to say thanks for your comment on my blog & encouragement!

  6. I too am like this, I am a terrible hoarder. I find a bargain and buy it thinking I can do something amazing with it and I end up forgetting about it! Karima :)

  7. I love it! I'm sure all of us have similar piles of unfinished (or unstarted!) projects!

    My only idea is for the pumpkin, which would look super cute with a bow around the middle. You could then use it as a centerpiece.

  8. How about this for the orange T shirt

    If not your could cover the chair with the T-shirt LOL


  9. Love the back of that chair, and the typewriter! I'm not an idea person but I'm excited to see what you do with them.

    Amy @ A Little Nosh

  10. Yep... I can definitely relate! I have a pile of unfinished/unstarted projects to tackle, too!

  11. Yes, I know how it is, so many ideas so little time!

  12. I know how you feel! I have a bunch of stuff that I had good intentions for. My hubby is going to start calling me the junk lady pretty soon! Stopping by from Someday Crafts

  13. Hello! Hopped over from the Crafty, Scrappy party. I love your thrift store finds, especially the typewriter! Look forward to spending a little time here on your blog. Please come over to my place for a cup of coffee!

  14. Laughing because I am more like you than I want to admit. At least to my husband anyway. :) Thanks for the giggles! Have a happy weekend!

  15. Paint the chair frame glossy white and use the fabric you already have to cover the seat. Cover the pumpkin with fabric, burlap, or scrapbook paper-there are tons of tutorials out there right now. Use a soft microfiber cloth and some diluted windex to clean the typewriter and use it as a bookend on a bookself. Maybe you can make a pillow out of the tshirt? And you can decoupage the top of the table, or throw some cute fabric over the top. Once you get started you will be unable to stop! You go, girl!

  16. I know you will come up with great things. I have really creative days and then days every project seems to go wrong. I wanted to thank you for your kind coments at bacon time, it means a lot to me.

  17. I have a couple of "misfit" projects as well. Although, most of them tend to fall into "the boyfriend was going to help me with the part I didn't know how to do, and since he won't do his part I can't to my part" projects. I'm sure you'll come up with something awesome. I'm curious to see what you do about the pumpkin. I have a couple of those myself, and I'm still trying to formulate a game plan. Good luck!

  18. I've never heard of a thrift store silent auction but I really want to go to one! The typewriter is such a great find!

    PS I have a $50 cash giveaway going on at my blog right now! Come by when you get a chance. :)

  19. I'm glad I'm not the only one with piles of things like this at home! Good luck getting started on them!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  20. Sweet welcome to this link party - ). And happy crafting ).

  21. The chair: zebra fabric, or if you like warmer tones, paint it brown and go with leopard, giraffe, tiger etc.

    Vintage sheet: Try a maxi dress. Running with has a great pattern.

    Pumpkin- one word: Decoupage

    And the typewriter, google how to clean it. You don't want to ruin such a lovely piece.

    Good luck!

  22. No ideas right off hand, as I have a similar collection of my own, but I do Love your chair and typewriter! lol

  23. I have so many unfinished or upstarted projects it is scary. Your blog is best to give a new look those furnitures as soon as possible. I forget to do work on it.
    sevgiliye hediye

  24. I don't feel so bad. I'm not the only one with loads of inspiration but no time to actually get these things accomplished. I have the same pumpkin. Not a fan of the line either.

