
Saturday Sister Spotlight 3: Sisters of the Wild West

I love coming across other sister blogs in the craft blogosphere. I always feel an instant connection with other sisters who are blogging about crafting together. And today's Saturday Sister Spotlight is one of the very first sister craft blogs I found (and continue to be impressed by):

Amy Gilman and Emily Lee are the Sisters of the Wild West.
Emily Lee and Amy Gilman

I think they say it best:
WE love to craft, sew, paint, redo, and add glitter to anything we can get our hands on.  We were in desperate need of a creative outlet for all of our projects.  We are very excited about this new venture in blogging and look forward to seeing where it leads us.  Amy takes care of the technical side, and we will both be adding the crafts!   Our lives are crazy busy... with 11 kids between us.  Please share the adventure with us!
It's not just their crafts that impress me so much: I'm struggling to get anything done with my three, and Emily (5 boys!) and Amy (4 girls & 2 boys) run a successful home business from their sewing, furniture redos, home decor items and more.

I have seen some amazing things on these sisters' blog over time, and it was really hard to narrow down my favorites, but I knew I had to use this one: a repurposed TV console that Emily topped with antique family photos and postcards (no one could ID the people in them). Gorgeous!

When I saw this beautiful American Boy quilt, I loved the pattern—but I was amazed that Amy made this in a single day!

These sisters also host an awesome link party on Sundays, Sister Sunday Link Party. (You know I love that!)

And as we love to do, we're topping off this spotlight with a . . .
Saturday Sister Spotlight Challenge!

We've challenged the Sisters of the Wild West to a crafting challenge, and their theme is . . .


Stay tuned to Sisters of the Wild West (or right here) to see where they take this fun theme!

UPDATE: The sisters have posted an awesome project!
A black and white polka dot school chair!
Some of their other school-inspired posts include a weathered pink version of the school chair, and a desk to go with them!

Thanks so much for rising to the challenge, Sisters of the Wild West!

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