
Happy Halloween

One of our favorite family crafts is pumpkin carving. Even though we seldom have Trick or Treaters, we have always loved to have jack-o-lanterns lighting our porch on Halloween night.

This year we were really proud of our pumpkins. Though we have lots of carving tools, we relied on tracing pictures or using them to freehand designs and basic knives this year. We have found that an ice cream scoop works really well to clean the insides.

Here are our awesome pumpkins. The first one is a patronus inside a dementor. (Jasmine got the idea from something on Pinterest.) Brooke carved the middle one with the 3 Brothers with the Deathly Hallows symbol from Harry Potter. (Hmmm, we like Harry Potter) and the third one is a traditional Halloween symbol carved by Brooke's husband.
They look good, don't they?

We found this critter growing in the pumpkin patch.

Happy Halloween!

PS- If you haven't entered to win Jasmine's craft from yesterday, be sure to do it! The pictures don't capture how adorable they are. Brooke and I both want to keep them.


  1. AMAZING pumpkins, you guys always impress me with your pumpkins.


  2. I can't decide which picture I love more.

    Okay, yes I can.

    Awesome pumpkins! I let Rebecca pick our pumpkin design this year. If we can carve out some time (LOL), it'll be pretty traditional. We're okay with that.

  3. Your carved pumpkins are awesome. It is somewhat of a compatition in this house between my hubby and daughters, lol.
    How cute it that baby :)

  4. Super cute pumpkins!! Found you from the blog post at,following you now :)
