
Baby Presents- Wearable Blanket

I'm making my baby most of her presents for Christmas this year. Tonight while we visited with Santa at a party he asked her what she wanted while she had a death grip on his beard. I said something like "bath toys??" After we got home I actually started one of her gifts (I'm way late I know).

I love this blog. She has amazing tutorials like every day of the week. I saw this one and combined with awesome deals on Black Friday at Joann on fleece I decided I would go for it. I had this tutorial and many of her other tutorials, pinned for a while on my Pinterest.

I feel like I really stretched myself (again- like the swing cover) on this project. I did two things I had never done before. They were both really easy once I read instructions how to do it. The first was a zipper- I told you I was a novice sewer. The other was a snap. The tutorial she gives includes OTHER tutorials on things I wanted to learn how to do.

So here is the Wearable Blanket I made:
wearable blanket 001

wearable blanket 002

A couple variations I did:
  • I used a 14" zipper instead of a 22".  It only goes 2/3 of the way down the front but I don't think that will be a problem at all.
  • For my pattern I actually had a sleeveless sleep blanket that is too big to pattern it after instead of making my own.
  • I didn't round the bottom edges. I just didn't I think it was partially laziness. 
Do you see my zipper and snap? Pretty snazzy, huh?

For the zipper I used her tutorial included within the tutorial. For the snap I followed the directions on the back of the package. All I needed was a hammer and a spool of thread. I lined up the top and bottom pieces, centered the spool, and hammered away.

I want to hear about what you are making for others for Christmas this year!


  1. You inspire me! Great job! PB will love it

  2. Super cute, great job Brooke :) I made one of those loopy t-shirt scarfs of pinterest for my sister for Christmas :)

  3. I think this is GREAT! I can't believe you did all of that as a novice. How inspiring!
