
Magazine Christmas Tree

I found this easy craft on Pinterest and saw it was by Martha Stewart so I knew it was going to be good. All you need is a magazine. Easy right? I chose one of my terrible gossip magazines (sorry, they're my guilty pleasure!) Since this issue was about Kim Kardashian defending her love for her husband, I figured this wouldn't be tragic to use.
The directions on Martha Stewart said to first break the spine. Since I used a flimsy gossip magazine instead of a magazine with a spine (like Reader's Digest) I skipped that step. Starting with the back cover, fold the top left corner down meeting the spine/edge of the page. Continue doing this through out the entire magazine.

Next, start at the back cover again. Fold the page so the folded edge meets the spine. Continue through the entire magazine.

Now, fold the little triangle at the bottom of the page down. Then tuck the triangle into the folded page so it's hidden. It should stay there without any adhesive.

And now you have a magazine Christmas tree!
You can decorate this any way you'd like! To make it more festive, spray it with gold spray paint (or paint it with metallic paint) or spray adhesive then adding glitter before the adhesive dries. I painted mine with gold sparkly paint but you can't tell in pictures. Maybe I'll try again and post about it next week!


  1. I kinda like it just the way it is. Great job!

  2. Neat! (And that makes the third Martha-inspired craft here this month. Man.)

  3. I think it's awesome!!!! I want to see painted photos too. Great idea!

  4. I have seen these as well :)
    But I think I would have rather enjoyed looking at Brad a bit longer ;)

  5. Love this! I would love to feature this on Reduce, Reuse, Upcycle. Feel free to stop by and grab a featured button. Thanks!

  6. This is really cute & a great idea to get rid of some mags! Thanks! I'm stopping by from the Creative Spark party. I would love for you to link this up to My Favorite Things party! It's going on all week,
    & be sure to check out my giveaway too!
