
What I Gave part 2

Like Jaime I made a lot of my gifts for Christmas for our siblings and parents this year. I was really inspired by things I saw on Pinterest. I made two things in particular that I was really proud of. The first I made 9 pairs of were hand warmers.

Hand warmers
Fleece (with the 18 I made I didn't even use a full yard)
Some sort of funnel- I used a piece of cereal box.
Scrap paper

I first made a template out of some scrap paper. I sewed around the edges with right sides together leaving a space to turn them right side out. I turned them right side out and sewed around the edges. I used my funnel to fill them and I tucked the edges of the opening and sewed them shut.

When I gave them I gave the instructions which are to microwave them for 30 seconds. I think you can experiment with more so that they stay warmer longer.

4"x4" tiles
Scrapbooking paper
Mod podge
Acrylic Spray

I made two sets of coasters that had 6 tiles each. I picked out papers and accents that went with my mom and my mother-in-law's living rooms. I cut out and arranged and mod podged each layer. Leave time in between layers for drying. I put 5 coats of mod podge on the tiles making sure the accents were pressed down each time. I then put on the acrylic spray using 4 layers waiting in between for drying time. The jury is still out about final drying time. On the can it says wait 15 minutes between coats and we did that and they had not fully hardened a couple days later. I would wait a few weeks before using them.

My mother-in-law's. The embellishments are glitter :)

My mom's


  1. Love the coasters. The handwarmers are a great idea!

  2. Such thoughtful gifts.
    I had made something similar to your hand warmers, but for sore muscles.
    Your coasters are so pretty, and nice that you made them to match their decor :)
