
Headboard Redo

In case you missed it, last week I recovered buttons. I didn't just do that for fun. I redid my headboard for my bed and added the buttons to it. My mom found this fabric shop that sells fabric for around $7 a yard in wide bolts. We went all over the store looking for a color that would match. Initially I didn't want a patterned fabric but when I saw this fabric I loved it. We got 4 yards which was a whole lot more than we needed but better safe than sorry.

First, start out by adding batting to the front of the board. Since we recovered the headboard we didn't need to add a thick layer. I wanted it a little bit thicker so that's why we added more batting. 
Roll the fabric over the batting. You can do this by laying the fabric down first then laying the board over it or roll the fabric on the top, tack it down with pins and flip it over. Be careful if you tack it down with pins, they might stick through to the back. My mom and I worked opposite of each other to keep the fabric taut.
If the fabric is too long it might be hard to fold the corners. I aimed the pins to go parallel with the edge of the board. The pins should stay if they aren't aimed so the fabric can easily come out. At the corners, keep folding the fabric until there are no more wrinkles.

Now to add the buttons. On the back of the board, mark where you would like to place the buttons. Measure how tall the bed is and where the pillows hit so you don't place the buttons where they can't be seen. Space the buttons evenly on the same level. Attach the buttons with string through the back. We tied a toothpick on the string on the back of the headboard so the string doesn't come out.You can also hot glue the string or toothpick down.

And now you have a quick, easy, and inexpensive headboard. Plus, it looks pretty good! We'll use the extra fabric for the curtains.


  1. Looks awesome! Thanks for the Skype sneak peak last week =)

  2. I love the fabric! It looks even better in person!

  3. It turned out well. We used her old headboard made from a foam board purchased at Home Depot. The whole thing cost less than $20.00. Now it is lonely for Jasmine!

  4. Great idea! I would love to do something like this with my son's old headboard that we currently have in our guest room.Thanks for sharing!

