
To wonk or not to wonk

I am making another baby quilt for a friend. I wanted it to be a little modern and to try something new. I wanted to go WONKY! I used a great tutorial and gave it a shot. I am not sure if I will love the finished product, but I am excited to try out my new machine on some fun machine quilting.

 This is a wonky square. You start with right angles and then trim a side here and there at a slant.  This is what all the squares look like.

The next step is to decide how I want to square them up. I will be trimming them to a 10" square, but I might not cut the square exactly dead on center. (The tutorial will show you what I mean.) Then I will add a sashing and a border.

My fear is that my friend and her family, who are not familiar with what is popular in the quilting world might think I just can't cut straight! So, I decided to try one traditional log cabin block to show that I can. I will use this blog as a bag to present the quilt in.
Even though the upper right looks crooked in this picture, it is really straight!
I am going to RESOLVE to step out of my crafting comfort zone and try new things this year. Wonky was definitely out there! What is your resolution?


  1. I LOVE it!! I love how modern the pattern is!

  2. That's so fun! I like the colors and the pattern. But I'd be a little worried about looking like I can't cut straight too ;) .

  3. I think it's very fun, and I think it's pretty popular too!

  4. VERY cool! I'm actually about to try my very first quilting project, so this is a bit over my head but I'll be coming back to see what else you get up to!

  5. I think you picked the perfect quilt to go wonky on ;)
    Because it is a baby quilt it is cute and fun.
    My resolutions are long, lol.

  6. you're very talented. very nice!

    Ces of

  7. I love the fact that it's wonky! Seriously cool! I can't wait to see the finished product!

  8. What a great quilt! My only experience with quilting was a 9"x9" potholder. After that I gained a whole new respect for quilters. The animals are adorable, and the fabrics you used are just perfect! Thanks for sharing it with us :)

  9. I have now subscribed to this blog - it is very cool! But what's up (Diana) with my Mac not opening all the pics? Really wanted to see the quilt, but I just get a little question mark in the middle.
    I'm going to show this to my girls so they can see how 'real daughters' do fun things with their mom!
    You are all talented - seriously. And pretty.
