
Book Review: Stamped Metal Jewelry by Lisa Niven Kelly

For Christmas, I asked for and received two steel letter stamping sets like this:

 I used them for the first time on my Clay Conversation Hearts, but I knew they could be used on so much more. I need a lot of direction. I came across Stamped Metal Jewelry by Lisa Niven Kelly. I wanted to take a good look at the book to see if I liked enough to purchase it. I really didn't think my library would have it, but they did!

I read the 137 page book in about an hour. The beginning had a wonderful picture glossary of tools and materials.The pictures and descriptions were informative and helpful, especially for a newbie like me.  There were basic tutorials as well, like how to use a crimp bead (finally! I needed that!). The were clearer and more concise than others I'd seen and read online. The information was presented in a way I could understand.


One of the best parts about this book was there was an instructional DVD included. It was pretty well done, but I think it could have been a little better quality (maybe in the production, etc). It was just great to actually see someone hitting the hammer and to hear what it sounds like!

The projects were innovative and original. I loved learning not only about stamping, but metalsmithing and jewelry making. My favorite was learning about how to make a metal cuff.


I'd recommend this book because it really talks about the processes of making a good stamp in metal, the right tools to use, the right type of metal to use, and has original ideas. The tips and tricks were really informative and helpful. I think I'm ready to start stamping! I just found out that Lisa Niven Kelly teaches classes online at Beaducation.

I wish I was ready to stamp now, but it made me realize I need a few materials. Glad to know that though!

I was not paid for this review, I was not given this book or anything in exchange for this review. I just wanted to read this book of my own free will. =)


  1. When I saw the stamps on your list I put them on mine too. I want to learn how to do this too! Thanks for the book recommendation!

  2. Great review! That cuff bracelet looks completely awesome. Are you going to make one? I'd love to see.

  3. Looking forward to seeing your creations in metal. sounds like a fun craft to get into.

  4. How cool is that! I love the combination of letters with anything :-). Very curious to see what you will make
