
Tailoring Made Easy!

I had this cute jacket hanging in my closet that I had never worn. I got it a couple summers ago on a trip with my mom and Jasmine and it was a great deal. I paid less than $5 for it! The only problem was that it didn't fit. A great deal isn't a deal if you can't use the thing you bought. Today I decided to change that and I did it all during nap time :)

The problem was that it did not fit in the torso. The arms fit great but the rest was boxy and too wide. I decided to make the outer shape more feminine and take in the darts-yup I'm not endowed, I'll admit it.
Marking for tailoring an article of clothing while you're wearing it with straight pins is pretty hard. Instead I got the idea to do it with clothes pins! I turned the jacket inside out and buttoned it. I then pinched the excess fabric making sure that it was about even on each side and put on the clothes pin.


 I then took the jacket off and pinned where the clothes pins were with straight pins.


This part is important: I didn't want to change the sleeves or bottom edge so I tapered the top and bottom of the edge. I made sure that under the bust area the seam went in so that it would be fitted. I then altered the darts (for a tutorial on darts go here) by starting at the smaller original edge and making the angle greater. I turned it right side out and made sure it fit and pinned a flower to my lapel.  (Note: I also put on makeup and fixed my hair so I wasn't such a hot mess)


I hope this inspires you to tailor your own clothes to you because none of us are the same shape! I heard a really cool quote the other day on a commercial for foundation. I don't remember exactly what they said but it was basically we each are a melting pot of our ancestors and our face is the combination of their faces looking back at you in the mirror. We each have a unique heritage and thus are different. Having clothes that fit make you feel more confidant so do it!


  1. Clothes pins! That is smart. Your tailoring is AWESOME! Love the flower too =)

  2. What a great job!! Cute pictures too.

    Now I want you to put a peplum on it ;).

  3. This turned out so cute. You are adorable by the way ;)
    I always have to tailor my clothes...I am 4'10" so I can never find anything that fits me properly.

  4. Wow!!!! You have inspired me. Your jacket looks fabulous and do-able. It gives me hope for some of my clothes!!!

  5. You make it look sooo easy!! I might have to give it try on one of my thrift store finds.
