
The Craziest Pie in the US of A

So a while back, I started on a PieQuest to try the most unusual pies I could find. The quest fell by the wayside for several months, but when my mom was visiting recently and we were planning our adventure, we found something that we all knew we had to try: a place along our route that sells pickle pie.

Yes, pickle pie.

And pinto bean pie. And oatmeal pie. And buttermilk pie (which I actually made on my quest).

From left to right: pinto bean pie, pickle pie, oatmeal pie and buttermilk lemon pie

I think the quest for the most unusual pie ends in tiny Bicknell, Utah, with the Pie Queen of Wayne County:

So what does pickle pie taste like? Yes, the pickles are a big part of the taste experience: according to the recipe, each pie features 12 ounces of crushed sweet pickles. Honestly, if you like sweet pickles, I think you'll like the pie.

The secret recipe (well, one of them) is hanging on the wall
Other than that, though, they were actually pretty tasty. The oatmeal pie was sort of a chewier pecan pie, the buttermilk pie had a nice, light lemon flavor, and I saw an article displayed in the restaurant likening the pinto bean pie to pumpkin.

Jasmine doesn't care for lemon, so her favorites were the pinto bean and oatmeal pies. Mom and I liked the buttermilk and oatmeal pies the best. None of us actually like pickles, but we did at least try the pie.

If you're looking for a pie adventure and your other adventures take you near Capitol Reef National Park, take a detour to the Sunglow Cafe and Motel in Bicknell. At the very least, you can get a badge of honor for sampling!

What's the most unusual pie you've ever eaten (or heard of)?


  1. Now I've heard everything!!! LOL Pickle pie? Wow. You ladies are definitely adventurous!

  2. How fun! I am intrigued by the pinto bean pie...just because it sounds so weird! My very favorite pie in the whole world is my Grandmothers Christmas Pie. I've never had it anywhere or seen it anywhere other than our family gatherings. I don't even know how to describe's like eating sweet air. It's not meringue and there is no whipped cream involved. I posted a picture of it once on my blog. I've made it a time or two. The recipe is so long and so involved that when my sister-inlaw re-wrote the recipe, the first thing she wrote was "Get a babysitter!!!" It's yummy though and well worth it! Nice post.

  3. Interested in the pinto bean but not really the pickle

  4. I think the buttermilk would be my favourite. Not to sure of the pickle pie though.
    On our way down to the States there is a Pie place called Betty's Pies. Quite well known.
    I stopped there all excited to try them, but was disappointed :(
    My pies were better, Not sure what I expected.

  5. My brother's wife grew up in Bicknell so when you said pickle pie I knew it had to be from Sunglow. I haven't tried the pickle yet but I hear it's a must. I'll have to tell her about this post, she'll love it!

  6. In my college food class we learned to substitute cooked pinto beans for the pecans in pecan pie--very yummy and much more economical. Haven't made it in a few years--gotta give it a go again. Haven't thought of pickles in a pie, yet the main ingredient in a Russian soup I love is dill pickles-- who knew.
