
Ice Blue Starboard Skirt

One thing I freely admit is my lack of sewing skills. But I do want to improve! So I found a skirt I wanted to try, Simple Simon & Co's Starboard Skirt. The tutorial I used is here: Simple Simon & Co's Starboard Skirt This was a simple skirt and not too frustrating, which is very important to me. The main design element is a pleat down the front.

 Here is me before I hemmed the bottom:


Here is the finished product:



My review: This skirt was simple enough to sew, but I'm not sure it's doing me a lot of favors in the hip department. Granted, the tutorial was meant for a girls' skirt so that might be something to take into consideration. The top of the skirt elastic. In the future, I want to try a tougher skirt, and not an elastic waistband.

What do you think? 


  1. I think it looks really cute. I think you might try pairing it with another top in order to change the overall look--I'm thinking like something with square in the shoulders with a ribbed waistline. Does that make sense?

    Like this shirt:

    I actually think a pink and blue combo would be really cute.

  2. I think that it's really cute. The pleat in the center really adds a lot of detail.

  3. I agree it is a very cute skirt.
    Great job :)
