
Original Sewing and Quilt Expo

On Thursday I had a real treat! I attended the first day of the first Original Sewing and Quilt Expo held in Raleigh, NC.

Since school got out, I have been spending almost every day cleaning, cleaning, and cleaning my house. I am doing all those things that I never do-- windows, baseboards, moving furniture to vacuum. (Oh, does everybody else do that every week? My bad!)
So.... I was really looking forward to taking a day off.

For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to put the wrong street in the GPS (S Saunders and S Salisbury, what's the diff???), but fortunately I was only a few streets away. After parking my car and paying attention to where I did that, I made my way into the Raleigh Convention Center. The FFA convention was also being held there, and I was confused for a bit with all those future farmers, but it all turned out fine. The very first thing I did was run into a friend from church. We had our first class together! We learned 7 core sewing skills from Cynthia Guffey. (Stay stitching with the grain--- which changes a lot on any cut piece). She gave so much info that I wanted to buy her DVDs, but they were too much-- not just money, but more detail than I wanted. Anyway, it was a great class.

After that, I just looked at quilts. They were gorgeous, but since I follow rules, I didn't take any pictures.

Then, I found out I am a sucker for demos! I feel compelled to buy the product. First I bought this cool bonding powder.

Check it out, it is AWESOME!

Next I had another class on the Perfect Finish: Binding Basics with Janice Pope. Changed my (quilting) life. I can't wait to try it. I had to buy the ruler to go with it. While doing so, I had a nice chat with Janice.
I also bought this gorgeous fabric for $3  per 1/2 yard piece. (Suggestions on what to do with it?)
 This other ruler. (Again, sucked in by a demo. At least I didn't buy both rulers!)
And finally subscribe to 2 magazines and got this nifty tote and light
I picked up all these papers along the way and learned where lots of quilt shops are:
Though I was sure I was going to win the prize to be announced at 5:15, but 4:30 I was tuckered out and decided to leave. I had a hard time figuring out which exit to use to get back to S SALISBURY street, but after I finally did, I was able to find my car in the parking garage with no problem. (Believe me that is a BIG DEAL!!!)

If you are in the Triangle Area, you should try to go to the Sewing and Quilt Expo on Friday or Saturday. It's great!


  1. I'm glad you had fun! It looks like there were tons of things to learn about!

  2. Lots of treasures! Good for you for getting out there and taking the classes!

  3. I work downtown and those FFA kids were everywhere. They must have been burning up in their coats too. I had no idea the quilters were out there as well. So many awesome goodies, I can understand why you were tired.

  4. This sounds like a dream day. Except for getting lost, I have fears about that.
    I have yet to be to an quilters expo. But our art gallery had some quilts on display years ago. I could have spent all day just looking over the same quilts.
