
Delicious Feta Omelet

There are a bajillion ways to cook an egg. I love eggs. They're just so yummy. Here's a recipe for an easy and healthy omelet:
3 eggs
 Green onions

First, beat the eggs and add in some salt and pepper if desired. Then pour the eggs into the pan. The trick to an omelet is to move around the cooked eggs and tilt the pan to fill in the spaces so there's always a layer of egg on the pan.
Then just before the eggs are cooked (they won't be so slimy looking, that's how you know they're done) sprinkle some feta cheese around. I love feta so I added lots! I also used a feta and herb blend.
Next, slide the omelet onto a plate making sure it folds over in half. Then add diced tomatoes and chopped green onions.

Enjoy! Mmm I want another just thinking about it!


  1. Sounds really yummy--perfect for breakfast or lunch!

  2. I was just going to say we need some photos of this delicious sounding omelet :)

  3. Yum! You can make me one anytime!

  4. I love feta and I love green onions. This looks perfect for me!I found this on Motivate Me Monday.

  5. Thanks for the photos, this now looks just as delicious as it sounded :)
