
Pick your own berry syrup

Last week, my family and I went berry picking at McBride's Briar Patch. We'd never been there before, and we were really impressed: they had buckets for you to use, ropes to tie them around your waist, little metal buckets for the kids, and bags and boxes to carry your berries home. The owner was so nice: he showed us how and where to pick and knew everything about the berries.

My 4-year-old was our best picker! She filled her entire bucket all by herself. All together, we picked 3 pounds of raspberries and 1/2 a pound of blackberries. The owner told us that since it was so hot, we should be sure to put our berries to use that day.

So that night, Ryan and I got to work turning our berries into berry syrup with this recipe from (you can also find local PYO farms here!).

First, rinse and mash the berries. Then boil the mash.

Now strain the boiled mash (discard the pulp). You can strain it again through cheesecloth, but we found this actually pretty difficult because the cheesecloth clogged. If you have a good way to do this in volume, you might be able to let it sit overnight to get very clear juice. We settled for not-so-clear juice.

Next, add the sugar. You'll want to use right around one and a half times the amount of juice. So if you end up with 3 cups of juice, you'll use a little more or less than 4.5 cups of sugar.

The raspberry juice is still waiting, but I went ahead and made the blackberry syrup.

Bring the sugar and juice to a boil, and boil for one minute.

You can pour the juice into jars for canning, or directly into containers to keep in the fridge if you want to use it right away.

My blackberry syrup was really good, especially considering how tart the berries were. However, after a couple days in the fridge, it was almost as thick as jam! I microwaved it a little to help it flow better.

What's your favorite kind of berry?


  1. I loved going to Ihop as a kid and using the different berry syrups. So yummy. I haven't been to a pick your own farm in awhile. You really make me nostalgic for some good times. It just so happens that blackberries are my favorite. Your pancakes look delicious.

  2. I love making berry syrup. I think my favorite is cherry!
