
Updated: Jaime's Land of Misfit Projects

Last September I shared with you about my land of misfit projects; projects I may have started or purchased supplies for but not completed. I have happy news to report:


If you were around last November, you saw this chair get a make over!


The chair belongs to my craft table, which I set up shortly after my first post, before I even redid the chair!


I cleaned up the typewriter with WD 40 and a toothbrush. It cleaned up really nicely! I used it as part of the decor in my Valentine's party. I still need to find a home for it at my house, though.

The vintage sheet. Sigh. it was so pretty, right? Well I tried to make some PJ pants out of it. And....they were a LITTLE on the tight side. I'm thinking about adding a strip of fabric down the sides to make them work. 


The gray fabric was used in my jewelry organizer, bow brooch and scarves I made for Christmas gifts. I still have a ton left!


I decided to donate the pumpkin. I just hated that stupid line down the center and didn't want to store it anymore.

XL orange shirt became this scarf!

Overall, I'm really happy that the population of the last year's Land of Misfit Projects is dwindling! We may have some new residents moving in though...


  1. all fantastic projects and so crafty!

  2. great job!

    thanks for stopping by Wani's World! ;-)

  3. Great projects :)
    I have a place at my home for that vintage typewriter ;)

  4. I love the title of this post - makes me giggle. And good job working down the projects! I keep saying I'm going to do the same with my projects but I put it off. You're inspiring me to get something done.
