
Blogger Absence Apology

Dear Wayward Girls' Crafts Readers,
 I am so sorry I have been absent for the past couple of weeks. Here's my excuse for totally forgetting to blog two weeks ago: It was a busy week of work and helping my dear sister, Brooke, move into a new home and helping her pack and move and unpack and having to pack for my own vacation and please imagine me saying this all in one breath. So, it's ALL Brooke's fault for that week's post. Ok, not really, I could've prepared something but I really had no time to craft so I guess I'll take SOME of the blame...but most of it can go on Brooke.
Now as for last week, I was out of town visiting a special someone. This turned out to be quite a good trip. A special shout out to Jordan for providing many miles of traveling entertainment! I greatly appreciate it. I'm sure Becca liked spending time with her best fwiend evay as well. I got to see my cousins, old roommates, lots of Bison (quick trip to Yellowstone...well it wasn't quick but you know what I mean), and then on Wednesday of last week, I found this weird thing...and then that special someone was on one knee...and then I said YES!! And now...

I'M ENGAGED! which means, get prepared for a WHOLE lot of wedding related posts. I will be getting married December 28th of this year!

Oh and did I mention it's my BIRTHDAY! Yay! What a happy day it is to announce my engagement to you all on my birthday!


  1. CONGRATS JASMINE!!! And Happy Birthday!!

  2. Hooray hooray hooray!

    And thank you for not mentioning me AT ALL. I only drove like 500 miles, and then I drove 500 more, just to be the sister who drove a 1000 miles so you could get proposed to, and then not even rate a mention in your post.


    Happy birthday.

  3. A wayward wedding! Sounds fantastic!!! December 28th is soon. You'll be a Mrs. before 2013.

    Congratulations to you and enjoy your birthday!

  4. Congratulations and more congratulations!!! I'm glad you're not going to be so busy getting married that you won't be able to post for us. Two months, wow!!
