
Gift Idea: Watercolor Artwork by My Sweet Rose

This weekend my husband and celebrated six years of marriage! And six years ago we moved into an LDS ward (congregation) where I met the lovely Laura. She is a woman of many talents and has opened an Etsy shop, My Sweet Rose, to offer those talents to you!


Here she is:


Yes, she's beautiful in addition to being an artist, photographer and awesome momma.

I asked her a few questions about her work and here's what she had to say:

When did you start painting? I started painting when I was in high school. Back then, I used acrylics and loved painting huge flowers like Georgia O’Keeffe. Then when I got to college I took a drawing class and a watercolor class and I changed mediums. From then on I’ve mostly worked with watercolors, although I occasionally do some larger works in acrylic and oil paint.

Where do you get your inspiration? My inspiration comes from nature. I’m always attracted to the simple beauty found there, from feathers, to fruit, to my potted plants around my house. I also love to peruse Pinterest and draw inspiration from all the beautiful things there.


How do you find time to paint with two little ones? Painting can be hard some days with my two busy sons (ages 3 and 1 yrs) but I usually get little breaks here and there throughout the day. They may be brief 10 minute increments but I know there’s always bedtime to really focus in and get things done. Most of my painting happens between 8 pm and 10 pm. I also try to get the housework done during the day, with the help of my boys, so I don’t have to worry about finishing it up after they go to bed. And if worse comes to worse I find a baby sitter and get to work! Photobucket

So talented right? She also does custom work like these home portraits! Which would be perfect for someone like Brooke, who just bought a new home!Photobucket

Please visit Laura's shop to see all her beautiful work: My Sweet Rose!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet! I do like those house portraits. I'll consider those when/if we move. Love that you have the chance to promote your friend's talent.
