
Jasmine's Wedding!

Happy New Year from the Wayward Girls! We were SO happy to be all together for Christmas and for Jasmine's wedding. She was a GORGEOUS bride and they made a beautiful, happy couple.

Her wedding was so perfect. Jasmine was married in the Raleigh, North Carolina Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. According to our beliefs, the marriage ceremony sealed Jasmine and her husband and their future children together forever. This means that if they are faithful to our covenants to God and each other, their family relationships will continue beyond this life. Our family was so happy that Jasmine and her husband made this choice. The ceremony was beautiful, and although pictures are not permitted inside the temple, I will always remember it. It was also special that all four girls have been married in the Raleigh temple.

Here are some pictures I captured from that day (and a few that other people captured from that day):





Since the wedding all the Wayward Girls have gotten sick in one way or another or are on their honeymoon =) We will be taking the rest of the week off to recover from illness, vacation and the wedding. Thank you for your support of Wayward Girls' Crafts in 2012! We look forward to more crafting in 2013!


  1. Congratulations Jasmine! May you have much happiness in your marriage. All the Wayward girls look lovely (I think those bridesmaid dresses are quite flattering-- difficult to accomplish with a lot of bridesmaid dress options). Feel better soon everyone.

  2. Aw Congrats to the newlyweds! This made me smile! And hope you all feel better soon! Happy New Year!

  3. Congratulations! She looks beautiful!

  4. What a beautiful bride! Congrats!
