
Save Our Sisters

In our church we have a program called Visiting Teaching where two sisters go and visit certain sisters in our congregation and share a message with them on a monthly basis. I am charge of this program in my congregation and we had a conference about it two weeks ago. The theme for our conference was Save Our Sisters (SOS).

We asked the sisters to bring desserts to share and they were delicious. I decorated each of the tables with maroon and blue table runners, red chargers I conveniently found at the church, decorative sand, LED candles, and seashells. One of the other leaders brought a beautiful painting of a light house and I had a huge bowl of life savers set out. I spoke and used these resources as a guide for what I said.

 It was a beautiful night that I forgot to take any pictures of! Here is a picture of what the poster looked like. I'm a sucker for 3-D displays :)


  1. I love this, thank you for sharing it! The last link (your favorite talk by Elder Uchtdorf) didn't work - can you tell me which talk it was?

  2. Love this!! Could I borrow the image for the "save our sisters" invitation?

  3. Love this idea! I know its been a while but I came across your post and want to use some of your resources. What is the talk that you used from Pre. Uchtdorf? The link didn't work for me.

  4. I checked with Brooke, and it's "Forget Me Not" from October 2011. I"ll update the link in the post. Hope that helps!
