
Woven paper heart Valentines

Jaime set a high bar for Valentines for the children. Handmade, non-candy, and cute. I remembered helping a class make these when one of the girls was in elementary school. Since I couldn't remember how to make them, I did what we do now. I googled it. I found this great tutorial. I practiced a couple times and then success! Here's what I made: 
I started simple with only 3 weaving strips. I started getting a little braver with the purple and yellow heart. Once you start making them, they get easier and easier.

I put a few packets of fruit snacks inside for the non-candy treat. All the grandkids love them.
Now I just need to get them in the mail.


  1. Cute! Some other people love fruit snacks too!

  2. These look like fun and a great way to use scrap paper. FOr some reason they remind me of Project Runway's leather mesh dress.

  3. We are big PR fans. We love Tim! We always try to make it work!

  4. These are so cute. They look fun to make as well :)
