
Developing Your Talents

Sorry for our absence! Jordan just moved, Jaime is preparing to move, Brookie...moved almost a year ago (sorry I don't really have an excuse for you), I am graduating with my Bachelor's in just a few short weeks and mom is supermom doing supermom things. So yes, there are our excuses. Anyways....

This past weekend I went to a dance performance put on by my school. Each piece was based off a piece of artwork or the author. One of the dances was based on the painting "The Son of Man." In this dance (well at least how I interpreted it) was about how we sometimes sell, abuse or don't use our talents and creativity. This really made me want to live up to my potential. This makes me think of the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. This is the parable about how 3 men are given talents (coins). The first two men multiply their talents. The third man buries his. How easily we must do that all the time; bury our talents or not develop them. So I challenge each of you and each of my sisters and our mum to expound on their talents this week. Develop or indulge in something you're good at or interested in. Even if it's only 5 minutes that you do this, it's better than ignoring it. Now...don't ignore your kids or job or other important responsibilities either but strive to achieve something better.

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