
Welcome back to the Waywardness!

After a few weeks to rethink and restrategize, the Wayward Girls are back! And we're revamping everything!

Ready to check out the big changes?

A new look!

WGC has had the same awesome layout since we started two and a half years ago. (Yep, can you believe it?) If you're reading this on a reader, come check out our all-new design!

We'll miss the old

But in with the new!

A new focus!

We're happy to report that WGC will still feature the same great crafts and tutorials in the coming months. But we're even happier to share with you way more than that. If you've seen our new header, you'll notice that in addition to our old tagline, "We make bad look good," we've added a second slogan:

Crafting a better life!

In addition to posts on crafts, knitting, home decor, and food (always food!), we'll be adding more posts on lifestyle, homemaking, and tips & tricks.

We're adding a new "Tour" page to show our favorite crafts in our most popular categories. We've also updated our about page for the first time in . . . forever!

New ways to connect!

We've always had a Facebook page and a Twitter account, but we're going to be interacting there and posting new content more than ever. Plus, in addition to my account and Brooke's, we've added an account for WGC on Pinterest! We'll be sharing all kinds of cool crafts, kids' ideas, homemaking, tutorials, tips, tricks, recipes and more there, so be sure to follow us!

A sad goodbye

As we mentioned before, we've had a lot going on in our family in the past few months. We're sad to say that Mom, Jaime and Jasmine are just too busy to continue blogging with us right now. We'd be overjoyed to have them join us again, whether for a guest post or forever, but for now we'll miss them! Fortunately, their old posts will always stay on the site.

Stay with us this week for more big news and a giveaway!


  1. Welcome back! Excited to see what you have planned!

  2. Which child are you omitting?
    The new look is great. We'll be watching!

  3. Oh, dang, I'm using the wrong version of the graphic. Better fix that!
