

So after having KZ I started to feel a little restless with my hair. When I put my diaper bag on my shoulder my hair would get caught under the strap. Everyday I would just throw it up and later get a headache from how heavy it was. So I decided to chop it. I chopped my long hair off almost 6 years ago when I first got married and hated it. This time has been completely different.

Having shorter hair feels natural and so much better. It takes half the time to fix (even if it still takes 20 minutes, my hair is thick, okay!) and it gets fixed everyday. I don't have the stress headaches from my hair.

The only disadvantages are it's not quite as versatile but I'm finding new hairstyles to enjoy.

Here is the picture I brought into the stylist. 

Have you done anything courageous lately?


  1. yeah after chopping my hair I miss being able to simply french braid it! I need to update my hairstyle ideas inventory I suppose...

  2. yeah after chopping my hair I miss being able to simply french braid it! I need to update my hairstyle ideas inventory I suppose...

  3. It looks amazing, Brooke!! I am trying to grow mine out (like Rapunzel long...not quite, but kinda) and my hairdresser pretty much chopped it to shoulder length this past week. I'm freaking out. BUT, it's a change, so that's exciting. You're going to rock this new style!
