
Around the World Blog Hop

Have you been over to the Babblings and More blog? They are four crafty sisters just like us! Briana has challenged us to participate in the Around the World Blog Hop! So fun!

First as an introduction: My name is Brooke AKA Brave Brooke which is a nick name I got as a kid from my family for always wanting to push the limits. I live in the South with my two little girls PB and KZ and husband. My husband and I have been married for 7 years and live in a small suburb where we love the small town feel but easy access to the "big city."

Growing up our mom instilled in us a love for being creative which she got from her mother. I have a quilt made by my great-great-grandmother hanging in my sewing area that reminds me of my legacy of creativity. On the white fabric of the quilt you can see the faint printing from the flour bags that were used.

I try just about any and all crafts. I really enjoy sewing which I focus mostly on clothing or baby items. I occasionally crochet and knit- especially when it starts getting chilly. I used to scrapbook but haven't in a long time and mostly just use my scrapbooking supplies to make the occasional card. I like to make delicious things for my family especially treats because I have a huge sweet tooth. My husband and I are big DIYers and love to learn new skills for improving our home. I have recently gotten into beauty and fashion blogs and have changed up how I do my makeup and dress a bit. I love dressing my cuties up, as well, especially with my homemade bows because we do live in the south and the bigger the bow the better the momma, right? I love throwing birthday parties and sharing them. I try to decorate every holiday, which reminds me I still need to put out my fall stuff!

Here are the questions for the blog hop:

What I am working on:
It seems like all my friends and family are celebrating something. We have new babies, birthdays, and weddings that have kept me running from one thing to the next.
 I told you all that KZ's first birthday was a couple weeks ago. We are finally getting around to her birthday party tomorrow. I have kept it really simple this time and I think it will be tons of fun.
 You should see the before for this clock! I will be posting the tutorial soon! 
 I'm making these for a wedding reception tonight. I can't wait to share all 7 decorated pumpkins with you. I'm not sure why I thought applying glitter to this pumpkin would be quick or easy!
This is for one of the new babies in the family. Due in just two weeks! (The orange is not neon in person)

How does my work differ from others of my genre?
When I was in college I tried to minor in art. The program at my school was tiny, as in 40 slots for a school of 30K+. They said I needed clear focus in the works I submitted for admission. Well I didn't get in and I have always blamed it on the fact that I didn't have a clear focus. My portfolio included 3-D, 2-D, mixed media, and no real focus. I feel like I am still like that today. I get in moods where I focus on one craft and later I let it sit to the side for months until I pick it up again.

Why do I write/create?
I have to write and create but I get itchy to share my projects. I love sharing when I have solved a problem, or found and easier way to do something, or a delicious meal. I always have a list of projects I'm thinking about or working on to share.

How does my writing/creative process work?
Well I usually look at something and re-imagine it or I look at a problem to be solved and think about a solution. I tend to sketch out the idea and think of the steps needed to get to the end result. MANY times I have to repeat a step or go back and change the order of something I'm doing. I do feel like I'm getting better at the planning stages and don't make quite as many mistakes but hey this IS Wayward Girls Crafts we have to do something wrong before the project is complete!

Today is our mom's birthday so a very happy birthday to our dear mother who started this crazy crafting fire in us all!

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